Martin Bäuml Publications Projects Datasets

Story-based Video Retrieval in TV series using Plot Synposes

M. Tapaswi, M. Bäuml, R. Stiefelhagen
International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), April 2014
[paper] [bib] [details]


We present a novel approach to search for plots in the story-line of structured videos such as TV series. To this end, we propose to align natural language descriptions of the videos, such as plot synopses, with the corresponding shots in the video. Guided by subtitles and person identities the alignment problem is formulated as an optimization task over all possible assignments and solved efficiently using dynamic programming. We evaluate our approach on a novel dataset comprising of the complete season 5 of Buffy Vampire Slayer, and show good alignment performance and the ability to retrieve plots in the storyline.