The KIT Robo-Kitchen Activity Data Set


    Human action and activity recognition from videos has attracted an increasing number of researchers in recent years. However, most of the works aim at multimedia retrieval and surveillance applications, but rarely at humanoid household robots, even though the robotic perception of human activitie would allow a more natural human-robot interaction (HRI). To encourage future studies in this domain, we present a novel data set specifically designed for the application in HRI scenarios. This Robo-kitchen data set consists of 14 typical kitchen activities recorded in two different stereo-camera setups, and each performed by 17 subjects.

Sensor setup

    The recordings were conducted with multiple stereo cameras at a resolution of 640x480 pixels and a frame rate of 15 fps. The cameras were positioned at different locations in the room that are easily accessible by a robot platform. Due to self occlusions when a person is working at the countertop area, two different sensor setups were used.

    One of the main goals was that the activities were performed as natural as possible and thus, the actors only got brief information about what to do, such as where to find the required objects, for how many people to set the table or to perform the activity at a location of their choice at the table.

    room camera setup countertop camera setup

Data set

    All sequences are stored using mp4 video file format (x264 compressed). If you have problems decoding the videos on a Windows machine, an installation of ffdshow should help. An uncompressed version of the video sequences as well as the stereo data are available on demand.
    In our experiments[1], the testing data consisted of sequences from subjects 1, 3, 5, 8, 12, 14, 15, 20, 24, 25 and the remaining sequences formed the development set. Consequently, we used the data of seven different subjects for testing purposes, since not all subjects are present in each setup.
    Please refer to our Humanoids'11 paper[1], if you use this data set in your publications.

    Room setup

    door camera window camera
    activity file sample video file sample video
    peel vegetables .zip
    202 MB
    205 MB
    cut vegetables .zip
    175 MB
    165 MB
    wipe table .zip
    156 MB
    155 MB
    set the table .zip
    177 MB
    181 MB
    clear the table .zip
    167 MB
    164 MB
    empty the dishwasher .zip
    109 MB
    111 MB
    sweep the floor .zip
    164 MB
    151 MB
    drink coffee and
    read a newspaper
    244 MB
    263 MB
    eat some pizza .zip
    271 MB
    286 MB
    eat some soup .zip
    211 MB
    212 MB

    Countertop setup

    fridge camera corner camera sink camera
    activity file sample video file sample video file sample video
    peel vegetables .zip
    237 MB
    222 MB
    222 MB
    cut vegetables .zip
    193 MB
    188 MB
    188 MB
    fry vegetables .zip
    139 MB
    133 MB
    133 MB
    stir a cooking
    116 MB
    111 MB
    112 MB
    wipe the countertop .zip
    64 MB
    65 MB
    61 MB
    wash dishes .zip
    226 MB
    212 MB
    dry the washed
    149 MB
    152 MB

Related publications

    [1] The KIT Robo-Kitchen Data set for the Evaluation of View-based Activity Recognition Systems,
    Lukas Rybok, Simon Friedberger, Uwe D. Hanebeck, and Rainer Stiefelhagen;
    in IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Bled, Slovenia, October 2011
    [paper] [bibtex] [poster]


Last update 17.11.2011